School is definitely settling in, yet I don’t seem to be any less busy (insert long sigh here). With that being said, I have some amazing kids this year and am really enjoying my time with them! Today I am linking up with Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching for her Five for Friday linky party!
Where shall I begin?!
Let’s start with my classroom! I’ve been in school for a little over a month and haven’t got around to posting classroom pics until now.
****Warning, there are a TON of pics in this post. So sorry!
Here’s a couple of pics of what we’ve been up to this past week.
I have been sooo impressed with my kids during Writing Workshop! Last year we started using Lucy Calkin’s Pathways to the Common Core writing program. The program is great and my kids have really taken ownership of their work and they LOVE when it’s time for Writing Workshop!
Here they are in action!
“We are having a party. I am having fun!”
“My family is outside”.
My dear friend Nicole just had her first baby! I went for a visit last Friday night! She is way too precious 🙂
For those of you who have been following my blog, you know that we have been in the middle of some pretty big renovations! We’ve been working on our kitchen and floors throughout the house. My husband seriously is the best. He works so hard and puts up with my “rare” unpleasantness about the mess!
Needless to say, I am sooo excited about our progress! AND I’ve actually helped quite a bit with the floor. 🙂
It’s still in progress….we still need to put up baseboard trim and finish some other small little projects but I have a working kitchen and it’s PRETTY too! 🙂
That’s all for today!
I hope you all have an amazing weekend!