I feel like its been a lifetime since I last blogged but its only been 6 days! This past week was jam packed with quality family time and we loved every bit of it! Today, I am catching up on some bloggy things and linking up with 4th Grade Frolics for her Monday Made It Linky!
I have been brainstorming since last school year how I am going to display my students’ work. Most of the walls in my room are concrete and I just don’t have room to display the work of 50 students. So….I have these two awkward/random corkbard strips that run along the wall outside my room. They are about an inch and a half tall and run the length of the wall. I’m thinking that I have to make this area work and I have a few ideas to jazz it up. I started with the clips. Each student will have a clip for their work. I simply put some washi tape on these to make them more fun!
My table is done!! Woohoo!! I had a terribly, ugly old table and one day I thought ” I should paint this! I mean it can’t get any worse, right?!” Boy, am I happy I went for it! I love it, but now I just need to find the perfect chairs. Oh well, for now I am going to be content with my pretty, white table! 🙂
I’m putting the finishing touches on my name banner for my classroom. My students are always asking me how to spell my name so it is important that I have it displayed from the start. Obviously, I need it to be cutesy and match the other bright decor in my room!
I’ve been busy working on some back to school math stations for my new baby kinders. We’ll probably start math stations in August but they will be exploratory. This pack will be my first set of “real” math stations once my students are ready. These have three tiers to meet the needs of all my students.
Do you like those math stations above?? Guess what?! I’m having a GIVEAWAY and you could win the whole pack! Be sure to read close below because some entry methods are worth more points!! The winner will be selected on Friday (7/11/14) at 7 P.M. Now go ahead and scroll down to enter! 🙂