- Purple: Wow (students who go above and beyond)
- Green: Great Choices
- Yellow: Warning
- Blue: Lose an activity/recess
- Red: Call home
Last week I posted about my ideas to create a display for student work in my hallway. My goal is for every student to always have a piece of their best work displayed in the hallway. Each student will have their own clip and can change out their “best pieces” as they see fit. I think this will encourage my students to do “quality” work! I’ve been playing around a bit at my house but think it will look something like this. I think I will use the aqua paper to spell out “WOW work”.
The pink background is smart-fab. It’s a mixture between paper and fabric. I’m excited to use it and think that I will be able to use it year after year. Have any of you used this?!
One of my favorite things about summer is getting letters from my students! If they write me, then I write them back! Today, I’m writing a letter back to Brynna!