Hello! I know, I know, it is definitely Saturday but it just wasn’t going to happen on Friday! I’m linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her Five for Friday linky party!
So if you’ve read some of my other posts, you’ll know that my hubs (Corbin, aka Corb, Corby, Corbster, Corby-cuteness) and I have been remodeling our house. Long story short, it was a 1970’s hot mess! It’s been so much fun! I know that I am a very lucky girl. Corbster is able to do anything! He just figures it all out and everything comes out so nice. I like picking out all the pretty things 🙂
Well, I’m doing my first project. Yep, that means all by myself! We have this U.G.L.Y. kitchen table, but it’s solid wood and I thought “I can re-do this!!”. I mean surely I’ve watched enough DIY shows (my fave right now is Fixer Upper! I just looove Chip and Joanna!) So this is what I’ve been up to this week. Lots and lots of sanding, and priming. Hoping to get it painted early next week!

I just started my professional reading for the summer, CHAMPS. We will read it through the school year and have a course on it, but I like to get ahead of the game and start implementing new ideas at the beginning of the school year. I’ve been told that one of my strengths is classroom management, but I am super excited to learn more and implement some new things into my classroom. Our school is a PBIS school and has been developing management plans for those loose structured environments like hallways and recess. Has anyone read this already? I’ve been told “it’s the best”.
Let me tell you, we got a TON of rain this week. And it all came at once…..
In order to get through the week, I have to plan our meals. This is just what I use to display our meals for Corb. He likes to see what’s for supper for the week 🙂 Plus this helps with my spending at the grocery!
We’re heading up to Cleveland to see our dear friends this weekend! They got married last October and just bought their first home. We looove this couple and are so excited to spend the weekend with them! 🙂
Have a fabulous weekend!